Russia has announced plans for joint military drills with North Korea
A top Russian military official has stated that Moscow plans on conducting joint military exercises with North Korea, a number of media outlets have reported. “We are planning an expansion of the...
View ArticleThe new Cold War is over Europe's energy future
WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States and Russia are once more locked in what could be a generation-defining conflict, and Europe is yet again the core battleground. But this Cold War reprise isn't about...
View ArticleRussia's massive state-controlled oil company Rosneft is getting a $7 billion...
LONDON (Reuters) - Rosneft is raising money from Swiss trader Trafigura days before it must repay a $7 billion debt and squeezed by sanctions, industry sources said, seeking new options after a foray...
View ArticleRussia is looking to make an ally within its biggest enemy
On Tuesday, Greece's defense minister and outspoken "Eurosceptic" Panos Kammenos announced that he was invited to Moscow to meet his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shoygu in the near future.What's...
View ArticlePutin says Ukraine needs to repay a $3 billion loan because Russia needs the...
Russia could really make things miserable for Ukraine soon.On Tuesday Russian president Vladimir Putin said that Ukraine should repay the $3 billion loan because Russia needs that money to fight the...
View ArticleRussia wants to delay a plan that would create an aviation warning system...
Russia clashed with Europe and the United States on Tuesday over the aviation industry's response to the downing of a Malaysia Airlines jetliner, calling for a delay in plans to establish a warning...
View ArticleSanctions have hurt Russia, but they're still far from changing minds
LONDON (Reuters) - Sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine have compounded the impact of oil's plunge but Moscow may have the financial buffers to hold out for two years without a change in...
View ArticleSanctions on Russia hurt but aren't changing minds
Sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine have compounded the impact of oil's plunge but Moscow may have the financial buffers to hold out for two years without a change in policy.European...
View ArticleRussia continues massive military modernization despite economic woes
MOSCOW (AP) — Hundreds of new Russian aircraft, tanks and missiles are rolling off assembly lines. Russian jets roar through European skies under NATO's wary eye. Tens of thousands of troops take part...
View ArticlePrices for diapers and tampons are skyrocketing in Russia
Thanks to the sharp decline in the ruble’s value, RBK reports that certain large packs of Procter & Gamble active baby diapers, as well as most of the company’s feminine products, men’s razors and...
View ArticleRussian companies are being forced to throw oil at their dollar problem
Russian state-owned oil company Rosneft is being forced to front-load oil deals in order to quickly raise money to fund a $7 billion (£4.6 billion) debt repayment due on Feb. 13.According to Reuters,...
View ArticleThe US needs to provide lethal aid to the Ukrainian military, immediately
Amid renewed fighting between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists (as well as Russian regulars), the New York Times reports that US senior officials are finally considering providing lethal...
View Article7 reasons why Russia-backed separatists are winning in Ukraine
The situation is Ukraine is bad and getting worse, to the point where the U.S. is considering sending lethal aid as many experts are saying America is running out of time to blunt Russian aggression...
View ArticlePutin's cronies built these mega mansions
It pays to be Putin's friend.A new report published on the website Otdel Rassledovaniy asserts that oil money that was supposed to be used on state projects was instead used to build mega mansions for...
View ArticleRussia's military is adding more planes this year than most countries own in...
Russia is proceeding with an ambitious plan to bolster its air force, at a time when its military aircraft are conducting more and more flights — probing the air defenses of its neighbors and raising...
View ArticleAnother BRIC has bumped Russia off the billionaire podium
Russia just lost its spot as the world's third largest community of billionaires. It was knocked down to fourth place by another BRIC country: India.That's according to the latest "global rich list"...
View ArticleA 2008 Pentagon think-tank study claimed Putin has Asperger's syndrome
A Pentagon think tank conducted a study that claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin has Asperger's syndrome, "an autistic disorder which affects all of his decisions," according to a report...
View ArticleWho is leaving Russia and who is entering says a lot
There's a really telling trend about Russia's demographics: Westerners are moving out of Russia, while citizens of central and east Asia are moving in.Germans, Americans, Britons, Fins, Spaniards, and...
View ArticleUkrainian president says he wants NATO states to send weapons to Ukraine
BERLIN (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called on NATO states to send weapons to his country, saying in a newspaper interview that civilian deaths and the growing conflict should...
View ArticleThe Obama administration is leaning toward arming Ukraine
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is tilting toward sending arms to Ukraine to help it fight Russian-backed rebels as three Cabinet-level officials head to Europe for consultations with...
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