Amid renewed fighting between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists (as well as Russian regulars), the New York Times reports that US senior officials are finally considering providing lethal aid to Ukraine’s beleaguered military.
US advocates reportedly include General Phillip Breedlove, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe; General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Secretary of State John Kerry; and even national security adviser Susan Rice, who has been critical of such proposals to date.
This potential shift comes at a critical time: according to NATO, Ukrainian separatists, with substantial support from Russian forces, have captured 500 square kilometers (193 square miles) of new territory since the “official” September 5 ceasefire.
Likewise, the deployment of Russian heavy armor and artillery has accelerated since the beginning of 2015, sending a clear signal that Vladimir Putin intends — at best — to keep Ukraine in a state of bloody stasis.
At worst, he could expand his invasion further.
This potential shift in policy coincides with yesterday’s release of a new report published by the Atlantic Council, with the Brookings Institution, and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs that calls for three billion dollars of military aid — including in particular, lethal aid — to be provided to Ukraine over the next three years.
This proposed sum would equal roughly twenty-five times what the United States has so far appropriated for this purpose.
The report’s eight distinguished signatories include the former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, retired Admiral James Stavridis, former Deputy Commander of EUCOM, retired General Chuck Wald, former Obama administration officials, Michèle Flournoy and Ivo Daalde;, two former US ambassadors to Ukraine, John Herbst and Steven Pifer; as well as former Deputy Secretary of State, Strobe Talbott and former Pentagon official, Jan Lodal.
If the White House intends to shift gears, now is the time.
Per the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014, the president must present a report to Congress regarding a plan for Ukrainian aid no later than February 18. This report’s recommendations might not be a bad place to start.
Among their most notable findings and recommendations:
The Ukrainian situation continues to degenerate. The Ukrainian military has lost over half its deployed armor; roughly seventy percent of Ukrainian casualties are due to long-range artillery and rocket strikes that Ukraine is unable to counteract.
Russian and separatist forces have made good use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for surveillance and reconnaissance, and have achieved significant air superiority across the contested area. Ukraine has halted all flight operations in the eastern part of the country.
Total separatist forces now number roughly 36,000: although the majority of combatants are Ukrainian citizens, anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 (depending on source) are Russian regulars. Roughly 5.2 million people have been affected by the conflict, with more than one million displaced.
Much of this territory is effectively ungoverned. For instance, 70 percent of the separatist-controlled “Luhansk People’s Republic” is actually controlled by a ragtag assortment of rogue groups.
The report, entitled “Preserving Ukraine’s Independence, Resisting Russian Aggression,” makes the clear case for lethal defensive military aid — starting now:
The West needs to bolster deterrence in Ukraine by raising the risks and costs to Russia of any renewed major offensive … That requires providing direct military assistance – in far larger amounts than provided to date and including lethal defensive arms – so that Ukraine is better able to defend itself.
This is wise advice, based on the basic logic of deterrence:
Assisting Ukraine to deter attack and defend itself is not inconsistent with the search for a peaceful, political solution — it is essential to achieving it. Only if the Kremlin knows that the risks and costs of further military action are high will it seek to find an acceptable political solution.
Here the authors are clearly rejecting the popular idea that providing military assistance will provoke Putin to become more aggressive.
Indeed, it appears that Putin may have been emboldened not by military provocation, but by the relative military weakness of Ukraine’s armed forces and the announced unwillingness of Western powers to assist.
The authors are also specific about the defensive lethal equipment the U.S. needs to supply now:
- Counter-battery radars. This will allow the Ukrainian military to detect and possibly counter the multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) and artillery strikes that have so far decimated Ukrainian forces.
- Light anti-armor missiles. Not only has Ukrainian armor suffered appalling attrition since commencement of hostilities — Ukraine currently lacks a way to threaten the Russian tanks and armored personnel carriers that now freely traverse Ukrainian territory. Current stocks of Ukrainian anti-tank/anti-armor weapons are at least 20 years old and have as high as a 70 percent out-of-commission rate.
- Medium Altitude/Medium Range UAVs. Ukraine lacks the means to adequately track enemy troop and equipment movements. This would significantly enhance their tactical situational awareness.
- Electronic countermeasures. The Russian military has made extensive use of UAVs and Ukraine lacks any way to disrupt these capabilities.
- Secure communications capabilities. Alarmingly, the vast majority of Ukrainian tactical communications currently take place over non-secure radios or cell phones — easy targets for Russian intelligence services.
- Armored Humvees. These vehicles will enhance Ukrainian troops’ ability to maneuver with a greater degree of protection and speed.
- Medical support equipment and field hospitals. The Ukrainian military’s medical capabilities are underdeveloped and extremely under-resourced: they were never intended to shoulder a conflict of this intensity or duration. Lack of medical support has increased the rate of Ukrainian casualties.
Finally, and significantly, the report also calls on NATO allies to pitch in, suggesting they contribute their own military equipment, some of which is operable with the former Soviet equipment already in the Ukrainian inventory.
It is very important that the US is not just operating unilaterally here. But this call for European partnership is not just designed as a demonstration of solidarity. For instance, Soviet-era air defenses provided by some Eastern European NATO members would be much easier to integrate into Ukraine’s existing systems.
Throwing a wrench into this proposal is German Chancellor Angel Merkel, who has reaffirmed her position that Germany will not provide any lethal military aid. If such a policy shift were adopted, strong US leadership would be required to bring NATO allies on board.
Why this matters. As signatories of the report bluntly state, “Russia’s actions in and against Ukraine pose the gravest threat to European security in more than thirty years.” Economic instruments, while devastating Russia’s economy, have alone been insufficient to deter further Russian escalation.
US and European leaders should take note of this report’s recommendations. Russia’s continued escalation of the Ukraine crisis — and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s use of hybrid warfare to blur traditional lines between war and peace — constitute a clear challenge to regional security and international order.
The risk grows that, if left unanswered, Putin may pursue similar provocations against Estonia or Latvia, nations with significant ethnic Russian minorities — and also NATO members with full Article Five protection.
A policy of deterrence, supported by lethal defensive military assistance, pursued now, may avert worse consequences in future.
SEE ALSO: Russia is continuing with a massive military modernization despite its economic woes
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