Russia's Economy Is Spiraling Downward And Bleeding Out Capital
You wouldn’t know it from the Chanel boutiques and Maserati dealerships lining the boulevards inside Moscow’s Garden Ring, but economic conditions in Russia are becoming dire. The ruble has weakened to...
View ArticleChina Is Looking For An Endangered Siberian Tiger That Putin Personally...
China is on the hunt for a rare Siberian tiger released into the wild by Russian President Vladimir Putin.Chinese state media reported on October 9 that Russia has informed Chinese forestry officials...
View ArticleUS Diplomat: No Sanctions Relief For Russia Until Forces Leave Ukraine
BERLIN (Reuters) - A senior U.S. diplomat said on Thursday there should be no sanctions relief for Russia until all foreign forces and equipment have left Ukraine, Kiev's sovereignty over its border...
View ArticleRussia's Ukraine Trump Card Is Coming Into Play
It’s shaping up to be a cold winter in Europe — or at least in Ukraine.As German Chancellor Angela Merkel spearheads a push for peace in Ukraine, reports of reduced natural gas flows to Central Europe...
View ArticleHere Are Amazing Photos Of Russia Dismantling An Outdated Nuclear Submarine
Russia is currently in the process of expanding and modernizing its navy. This might have something to do with Moscow's apparent appetite for military conquest. Still, Russia has a few nuclear...
View ArticleThe Ruble Is Getting Crushed Again
The Russian ruble is down another 0.8% against the dollar Friday, following the almost continual decline since the summer. The Russian currency is down nearly 17% against the dollar since the end of...
View ArticleRussia's Food Situation Is So Bad People Have Started Eating Crocodiles
Does this mean sanctions can work?After Western nations (including the U.S.) imposed sanctions against Russia over the violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty earlier this year, Russian authorities...
View ArticlePutin Has Reportedly Pulled Russian Troops From The Ukrainian Border
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian troops to withdraw to their permanent bases after military exercises in Rostov region near the border with Ukraine, Russian news...
View Article13 Fascinating Facts About The Majority Of Russians
Eighty-three percent Russians approve of Vladimir Putin as president, a number that has soared from 54% last year since his annexation of Crimea and intervention in Ukraine as well as the Sochi...
View ArticleSaudi Arabia's Oil Price 'Manipulation' Could Sink The Russian Economy
The vice-president of Russia's state-owned oil behemoth Rosneft has accused Saudi Arabia of manipulating the oil price for political reasons. Mikhail Leontyev was quoted in Russian media as...
View ArticleRussian TV Published Propaganda About MH17 That Actaully Disproved The...
Anyone who has been following the debate over the downing of MH17 will know one point of contention is which weapon was used to down MH17. On one side you have people who say it was mostly likely a...
View ArticleThe Russian Central Bank Admits Defeat
Russian Central Bank head Elvira Nabiullina has admitted that if currency markets continue to turn against the ruble the bank "won’t be able to restrain them."Despite the central bank spending $6...
View ArticleThe Endgame In Eastern Ukraine Is Coming Into View, And It Isn't Pretty
The strategic situation in eastern Ukraine is little changed from where it was on September 5 when the “ceasefire” was announced. A line of control has yet to be agreed to. And while the level of...
View ArticleJohn Kerry Facepalms Next To Russian Foreign Minister Before Hinting At A...
The U.S. and Russia have apparently agreed to put aside their differences to cooperate in the international fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, which has thus far failed to slow the momentum of the...
View ArticlePutin's Next Move Could Make Eastern Europe Explode
What is going on in Vladimir Putin's mind?That's the question a panel of Russia experts was trying to answer Tuesday morning. Attention on Russia and the crisis in Ukraine has dwindled as the press has...
View ArticleISIS Is Moving Russia And The US Closer Together
Russia's pro-Kremlin media is making much of the announcement by US Secretary of State John Kerry that Washington and Moscow are set to increase their intelligence-sharing about the Islamic State (IS)...
View ArticleRussia's Leverage Over Europe Becomes Clearer By The Day
The Ukraine crisis caused relations between Russia and the EU to fall to their lowest point since the Cold War.But despite the bickering and outright conflicts, both still need each other: Europe...
View ArticleChina Is Cashing In On Russia's Lack Of Economic Options
The economic synergies between energy-rich Russia and resource-hungry China may appear obvious, but mutual suspicions have long kept them apart.But now, amid Western sanctions blocking Russian access...
View ArticleRussia And Syria Now Oppose Turkey's Idea Of A Buffer Zone Around Kobane
The Syrian Foreign Ministry has expressed its opposition to the creation of a buffer zone along its northern border with Turkey.Turkey has proposed the idea of a buffer zone — which would almost...
View ArticleHere's How The Ukraine Crisis Is Deepening Military Ties Between China And...
US-led economic sanctions against technology exports to Russia might have the unintended consequence of pushing Russian and Chinese technological industries into close cooperation, Russia-based...
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