One Of The Most Crucial Air Routes In The World Goes Right Through Ukrainian...
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 reportedly crashed over the volatile region of Ukraine where government forces have been battling pro-Russian separatists. Ukrainian officials have said the plane was shot...
View ArticleMalaysian Passenger Jet Went Down In One Of The Last Separatist Strongholds
The destruction of a Malaysian Airlines plane took place near Donetsk, site of a self-proclaimed pro-Russian "people's republic" that is one of the last major pro-Moscow holdouts in Ukraine's restive...
View Article17 Incredible Facts About Russia
Russia has been all over the headlines recently.Earlier this year, it was for the Sochi Winter Olympics. More recently, it's because president Vladimir Putin has been flexing his muscles again, this...
View ArticleThe Kremlin's English-Language Media Has Already Settled On A MH17 Narrative
A Malaysian Airlines passenger jet crashed in Ukraine's restive east on Thursday. Kremlin-owned English-language media — the Russian government's means of disseminating its preferred interpretation of...
View ArticleRussia Still Has Thousands Of Troops Along Its Border With Ukraine
Russia restarted a massive military buildup along its Ukrainian border yesterday.The cause of the crash of a Malaysian Airlines plane in eastern Ukraine is currently unknown. But the tragedy occurred...
View ArticlePro-Russian Rebel Leader: 'We Have Warned Them — Not To Fly In "Our Sky"'
Pro-Russian separatist leader Igor Strelkov posted a statement on Russia's largest social network that may help explain what happened to Malaysia Airlines flight 17 on Thursday morning.The Ukrainian...
View ArticleWhy Malaysia Airlines MH17 Was Probably Shot Down By A Rebel Missile – And...
Of course, it’s still too early to say definitively what happened but this is a personal blog, not a newspaper article or a government report, so I have the space to vent and express what I think...
View Article4 Other Times Commercial Flights Got Shot Down
U.S. officials have confirmed that a surface-to-air missile hit the Malaysia Airlines flight that went down over Ukraine on Thursday. As NPR notes, it's rare for a civilian airliner to be shot down...
View ArticlePutin Blames Ukraine For Downing Of Passenger Plane In Pro-Russian Rebel...
Russian President Vladimir Putin blamed Ukraine for the downing of a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane over pro-Russian separatist territory in the east on Thursday, saying it would not have happened...
View ArticleThe US Purposefully Created As Much Uncertainty As Possible About How Its...
If you've been having trouble figuring out just what the impact of the U.S.' latest round of sanctions against Russia is going to be, don't worry: That is exactly what the Treasury Department...
View ArticleAVIATION EXPERT: Malaysia Flight Took A Significantly Different Route Than...
MH17 flight feared to have been shot down over Ukraine was taking a significantly different route to the usual course for flights from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, according to aviation expert.The...
View ArticleHere's How Newspaper Front Pages Around The World Are Covering The Malaysia...
Countries around the world are reeling in shock after a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane was shot down over Eastern Ukraine Thursday, killing the 298 people on board.The event, which many think could...
View ArticleHILLARY CLINTON: It's Probably Time 'To Put Putin On Notice'
Hillary Clinton sat down on "The "Charlie Rose Show" following Thursday's Malaysian Airlines plane crash in Ukraine and argued it was "obviously" an anti-aircraft missile that shot it down. She said...
View ArticleHere's What It's Like To Fight With The Militia That's Accused Of Shooting...
Ed.'s note: Yesterday, pro-Russian separatists allegedly shot down a Malaysian Airlines passenger jet, killing all 295 people onboard. The missile that took down the plane was likely fired near...
View ArticleUkraine Could Soon Get Much Worse
Nearly 24 hours later, there's a consensus about the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17: It's a game-changer for the conflict in Ukraine.The crash, which Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko...
View ArticleHere's The Ridiculous Way Russia's Propaganda Channel Is Covering The Downed...
Kremlin-backed Russia Today is covering the shoot down of a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane in the only way it knows how: blaming everyone except the Russian government.Leading its website just one...
View ArticlePutin's Strategy Of Covert War In Eastern Ukraine May Be Blowing Up In His Face
The missile that may have brought down a Malaysian Airlines plane was likely fired from inside Ukrainian territory, possibly by militants affiliated with the Donetsk People's Republic. But the...
View ArticleRussian State Television Is Blaming Just About Everyone But Moscow For The...
As the story of the downed Malaysia Airlines jet broke, Russian state television scrambled to get out versions of the story that pointed in every possible direction — except toward Russia and the...
View ArticleThis Is The Former Russian Military Officer Who Might Be Behind The Shooting...
A retired Russian military officer is suspected of being involved in the attack that downed a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 plane in eastern Ukraine on Thursday.Igor Girkin, who is also known by his...
View ArticleUS Cannot Rule Out Russian Help Downing Plane In Ukraine
The United States said on Friday it could not rule out Russian help to separatists in Ukraine in firing an SA-11 surface-to-air missile that likely downed a Malaysian airliner in eastern Ukraine with...
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