At a meeting of NATO's defense ministers in Brussels on Wednesday, the alliance approved its longstanding plans to increase the size of the NATO Response Force from 13,000 to 30,000 or 40,000 troops.
NATO is also introducing changes that will speed up the decision-making process involved in deploying the response force in the event of a Russian threat.
The defense ministers discussed the U.S. Department of Defense's recent decision to forward deploy a brigade's worth of heavy equipment into Eastern Europe.
Russian Gen. Yuri Yakubov said Russia would respond to NATO's decisions by bolstering its forces in the western strategic theater of operations. Russia had already announced plans to add 40 more intercontinental ballistic missiles to its arsenal this year. Meanwhile, both Russia and the West are increasing the number of exercises in the borderlands and along the Russian border.
The Cold War-style saber rattling is clearly growing louder, and it appears both sides see the situation as a long-term standoff. U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Sunday that U.S. and NATO allies are preparing for a rift that will outlast Vladimir Putin's presidency. Russia's chief of the presidential administration, Sergei Ivanov, similarly indicated over the weekend that there are nearly no channels left for interacting with the United States.
But it is Putin's focus on Russia's nuclear capability that has drawn more attention among many NATO members than the conventional military buildup. Putin has been the first Russian leader to continually highlight Russia's nuclear prowess since Nikita Khrushchev. All other leaders since then were much more conservative than Putin — if not altogether silent — in discussing Russia's nuclear potential.
Moscow is in a position of weakness. Russia is experiencing its second economic recession in six years, it was humiliated in Ukraine last year, and divisions within the Kremlin are deepening. Russia is not looking to go to war with NATO. As Ivanov also said, Russia "is not suicidal." But what Russia is trying to do is convey that it is not entirely powerless should the United States take a step too far in the standoff.
Furthermore, there is a growing fear in Moscow that the West wants to exploit Russia's weaknesses to break either the country or the government. Russian Security Council Chief Nikolai Patrushev said Monday that the United States was never interested in Ukraine but instead is using Ukraine to weaken Russia. He added that the United States "would like very much that Russia was not at all."
In this context, the Russian military announced that it will work on strategies to counter so-called color revolutions, such as those that swept several governments out of power in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan in the past decade.
Even as Putin's approval rating rose this week to 89 percent, the Kremlin is focused on preventing an uprising against the government, particularly a U.S.-backed uprising. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said the military is studying the 1991 and 1993 attempted revolutions against Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin.
Shoigu said some people believe the military should not be involved in political processes, and in both revolution attempts the military initially stayed out of the struggle before choosing what were ultimately the winning sides. In both cases, the United States rallied behind Gorbachev and Yeltsin. The current military study likely assumes the United States would support protesters rising up against Putin's government.
The military's study raises the question of what the Kremlin really fears. The study of color revolutions focused on Western support for widespread unrest that led to government change. However, the 1991 and 1993 case studies in Russia were not actual color revolutions.
They were breaks in the Russian government itself that led to attempted coups. The United States was involved in these events, but the rift and attempts at government change in both incidents were solely Russian.
The question, then, is whether the military is also planning for a scenario in which Kremlin dissent leads to a situation where the military would have to take a side. Moreover, it raises the question of whether the splits in the government are so deep that the military is starting to give public signals that it will not remain neutral.
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