Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka has said he is ready to send peacekeeping forces to neighboring Ukraine, where government forces have been battling pro-Russian separatists for six months.
In an interview to Euronews television channel, excerpts of which were placed on the agency’s website on October 2, Lukashenka said he would send the troops "If necessary. But for me this would be a very dangerous and terrible thing to put my own soldiers at risk: if the Russians mistrust the West, and the West, Russia, if the USA and Russia mistrusted each other, and there is mistrust between the warring parties, I would have been putting my own armed forces in harm’s way to separate the conflicting parties."
Lukashenka also said he proposed a peace plan months ago putting Belarus peacekeeping troops on the ground, but it was rejected by all parties.
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