Shortly after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down over Ukraine on July 17, the U.S. and European Union announced another round of new economic sanctions against Russia. The restrictions banned government-affiliated Russian banks from issuing new debt or equity with maturity over 90 days in Western capital markets and blocked energy companies from importing equipment for deep-water drilling and fracking. Russia won’t feel the pain of these moves immediately, and if relations with Ukraine normalize soon, the country may escape relatively unscathed. But if sanctions drag on for another six months to a year, they could put the brakes on both critical business sectors and the larger economy, according to Credit Suisse’s Private Banking and Wealth Management Division.
Russia’s economy has been weakening substantially, with GDP growth slowing from above 4 percent in 2010 and 2011 to just 1.3 percent in 2013, and economists expect it to grow 0.5 percent this year. But so far, sanctions don’t seem to have made things any worse. Russia’s composite Purchasing Managers’ Index rose from 50.1 in June to a seven-month high of 51.3 in July, with a particularly strong uptick in manufacturing output. GDP grew 0.8 percent in the second quarter, down only slightly from 0.9 percent in the first quarter. Meanwhile, the ruble is trading around 36 to the dollar, 6.7 percent weaker than a recent low of 33.7 in late June, but no worse than during a broader emerging market selloff in February. A large current account surplus ($17.1 billion in the second quarter) and recent central bank tightening (rates increased from 7.5 to 8 percent in late July) should also help protect the ruble going forward.
For now, healthy internal balance sheets and the backstop of Russia’s $468.8 billion (22 percent of GDP) as of mid-July in foreign currency reserves should allow sanctioned banks to repay $48 billion in Eurobond payments due between 2015 and 2019 without needing to access additional Western capital. The Russian government has also allowed several government-affiliated banks to convert subordinated loans from the Central Bank of Russia and VEB, a state-owned development bank, into preferred shares. “We deem the exercise credit positive to the quasi-government banks at a time when their access to international capital markets for funding has been closed,” Wingson Cheng, Head of APAC Research in Credit Suisse’s Private Banking and Wealth Management Division, wrote in a recent note. “In the short run, the government-related banks have sufficient on-balance sheet liquidity, prefunding, or available funding through other avenues.” Credit Suisse therefore believes that the sanctioned banks are unlikely to default on $48 billion in outstanding Eurobonds, but that doesn’t mean investors who hold those bonds are out of the woods, and perceived riskiness of bank-issued debt will continue rising as long as Russian financial institutions remain shut out of international capital markets.
Likewise for the energy sector, which comprises some 30 percent of Russian GDP, where the sanctions are unlikely to cause serious problems unless they extend well into the future. The primary reason: Most of Russia’s oil production takes place in conventional fields that don’t need the kind of advanced equipment Western countries have stopped providing. But long-term sanctions on advanced technology could well delay efforts to develop Russia’s Arctic resources, as well as the huge reserves of so-called tight oil believed to be pent up in hard-to-reach shale formations. Tight oil currently accounts for just 1 percent of Russia’s total production, but the U.S. Energy Information Administration believes Western Siberia’s Bazhenov formation contains 75 billion of recoverable crude oil, which would make it the largest such reserve in the world.
The ultimate length and severity of current and possible future sanctions depends, of course, on how the Russia/Ukraine situation develops, but October, when European officials are due to review their policies, could be a make-or-break month. With winter just weeks away and Europe dependent on Russia for 30 percent of its gas supply, Credit Suisse doesn’t foresee the two most drastic scenarios – Russia literally cutting off gas supplies or launching a formal military campaign in Ukraine – although neither can be ruled out. The most likely scenario is that things continue as they are – and that won’t be any picnic for Russia. “There’s always a time lag before sanctions impact the economy,” says Marc Häfliger, an investment strategist in the Private Banking and Wealth Management Division. “Don’t underestimate the effect on business sentiment. If companies stop investing, it won’t start showing up in a real way for six months to a year.” Which is time enough for things to get back a little closer to…normal?